Cfa level 2 pdf download

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Create free account to access unlimited books, fast download and ads free! We cannot guarantee that book is in the library. READ as many books as you like Personal use. The set comes complete with color-coded study guides and coverage of every Learning Outcome Statement included in the exam. This practical and hands-on reference includes: Figures and diagrams to illustrate important concepts, especially in the Economics, Portfolio Management, and Fixed Income subjects.

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Within each item set, you will be required to use the information provided in the case statement to answer the questions. For the Level I exam, the topic focus was on investment tools, with relatively less focus on asset valuation and portfolio management. For Level II, the topic focus shifts more toward asset classes, although the investment tools are still weighted rather high. In terms of learning, the Level II exam focuses on the application and analysis of concepts learned in Level I.

This section covers the code of ethics, professional standards and the global investment performance standards. Ethics is one section that is equally important in all of the three levels.

The questions will be aimed at the application of the seven standards in professional situations. You can expect about one to two item sets from the quants section. The case statement will most likely present data, for example, regression and ask you to analyze and interpret the data.

You may even be asked to calculate some key metrics based on the data provided. Similar to quants, economics is also a small section in Level II. You can expect one item set for this topic. You need to have a good conceptual knowledge of economics, as many of these concepts can be tested along with other topics.

One important concept is foreign exchange and you are likely to be tested on the application of its concepts.


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