Downloading and installing mods with Steam is working fine. Sometimes you have to find them. It's a PITA sometimes cause they makers don't specify where to find them. Sometimes they might be in the 'scenario' menu. Some will be in the 'campaign' menu. Sometimes they have to be hosted with LAN, find the correct map, then on the right side they should be there. As to where on the PC, I'm honestly not sure. Hoped I help, even if only a little bit. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 5 Mar, am. Posts: 5.
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Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. Parameters are mission settings that can be tweaked in the slotting screen, by pressing the Parameters button at the top. These parameters are defined in description.
You may tweak the default parameters as you desire, or activate features. Safe start disables player weapons for the first 5 minutes of a game. You can turn safe start off entirely in init. JIP aka join in progress allows players who join post mission start to teleport to their squad mates. You can tweak the settings in init. Tip: For night time missions, check if the moon is visible, it makes a huge difference in visibility for the players, especially without NVGs. CBA comes with a framework so module makers can easily add settings to their mods, without everyone reinventing the wheel and settings being all over the place.
This is especially useful for mods like ACE that have well over a hundred settings that players and units can tweak. As of mid, most modern mods use CBA settings, so you should definitely go through the settings to familiarize yourself with the basic setup. If you have specific questions about a certain setting and what it influences gameplay-wise, mission-making is the place to ask. To keep things simple for yourself, and making it easier to reuse part of your mission for a next mission, I recommend to always use BLUFOR for players exception: TvT missions.
In Arma parlance a side is the highest level of grouping of units. This is a finer-grained distinction and not exclusive. On top of this, some of our mods have yet more faction, e. MCFW uses factions to figure out who is who. The only factions that are defined per default are the ones just mentioned, so unless you are an advanced user, only use these factions for ANY units exception are vehicles, of course. This is a limitation inherited from the F3 version of the framework, and may change in a future version.
Like I said before, we will be using and copy pasting the pre-placed units in the example mission. Copy pasting prevents user errors and just makes it easier for you. Variable name e. Init: Code entered here will run on every machine as they join.
A1 or the medic symbol feature. Playable : a tick box to make the unit selectable for players in the slotting screen. Role description : How the unit will be called in the slotting screen. You can use Role Squadname on the leader of a group to set the name of the squad in the slotting screen. Last note: The order of playable units in the slotting screen depends on when the unit was created in the editor. First created units appear on the top of the list.
Tweaking the unit order in slotting screen is very annoying, but can be done by cut and pasting the quads in the order the should appear on the Slotting screen. Another option is to move them between layers in the editor. NOTE: There is a separate document explaining the default simple assignGear , as well as some documentation on the older, more complex variant.